Sunday, 11 November 2007

Where has the last month gone

I can hardly believe that it is almost a month since I last posted anything on here. Now it is not because I have not been busy, because I have...but I guess I just got fed up taking pictures of dont get me wrong they were fab cards, even if I say so myself :lol: but I have now made over 100 Christmas cards and even I would be hard pushed to appreciate pics of that many.

I did make some cards and bags for my window display, so I thought that I would let you see I am going to clear it all away and do a Christmas display.

This is a pic of a card I made for my friend..her daughter was turning 21 had fun with this one.


Sarah said...

That's a lovely card Anne, and I love your window display - can't wait to see the Christmas display :)

** Paula ** said...

love the window display!!!!